
Friday, August 31, 2012

Our Much Needed Vacation!!

Last week Tater, Tot and I went on a family vacation with my side of the family. It rained the first few days but we made the best out of it. The last three days we hit the beach hard and got every minutes worth of fun available!! Below are some things I learned from our vacation. Enjoy!! 

1) Family should be the most important people in your life. If you cant be honest, open and SILLY with them, who can you be honest, open and silly with?!?!

2) Marriage is one man and one woman (leaving and cleaving) with God. Working to create a wonderful thing that is to be taken seriously and treated with the utmost caution and care. Engagements on the other hand should be stressful, elaborate and the plan executed by family with Navy SEAL like timing and precision!! 


3) Sisters are an absolute blessing. No one will understand your more, know how to make you laugh in any situation (or cry. Sorry Ash) or love you unconditionally like a sister. I would not trade mine for anything in the world!! I love being the "cream in our Oreo" :) 

4) Boys never grow up. They just get bigger and get jobs. The Boy is still in there and sometimes he comes out when around "certain" company. 

5) Love is an emotion and it can fade. Marriage is a choice that requires one to refresh and renew your love for your spouse on a daily basis. Even when on vacation lol!! Isn't he sexy? He is my hero!!

6) Last but definitely NOT least. These two goof balls have my heart and are the most important thing the Lord has given me to serve, love and draw closer to Him in any way He sees fit. Without them my "family" would not be complete.