
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Getting Started

Well, Im not one that can come up with cute little names for my blog post so this one is about me literally getting started. I am getting started on weight loss and I am doing a 20lbs in 6 weeks challenge at Fitness Revolution.

 Last night I did my first workout there and honestly it was great. I thought I was going to be the only lady or the only chubby one there but I wasn't!! There were a bunch of us chubby gals around my age. I guess we all have babies we can thank for our extra weight :) Like I said, last night was fun. I built my confidence in my movements again and when I left I felt strong. I like that feeling. The one you get when you arrive at the end of a workout and you say, "yeah, I did that". I am one of those people that think weight loss and working out is mental, spiritual and then physical. Think you can do it, feel in your deepest of soul that you can ROCK IT, OWN IT or whatever it is that gets you going, and then your body follows through and proves the first two right!! I have done work outs where my mind and soul have been elsewhere and I have simply gone through the motions and honestly, the workout ended up being mediocre bc I wasn't ALL there. So moving on, I was ALL there last night and WOW!! The soreness! Ha ha it is awesome. I love it and hate it. I really do. I like to feel my efforts after a workout and it has been too long since I was last sore. I didn't do any crazy exercises. I just did them right and with effort and attention. Loved it!

Now for the hard part for me :( The diet part. I don't mind eating clean, really, I don't. It is the prep that I am finding hard for me right now. I think I will have it down in a week or so. I forget to have my snacks while chasing two little guys around and meeting all their needs during the day and that leaves me with a MAJOR hunger headache come lunchtime. The upside to the diet though is that I got a big ole list of yummy recipes!! They have a wide variety of stuff to eat so I'm not just eating chicken for 6 weeks. All in All I am excited about both the working out and the diet. Now I can just relax and watch the weight fall off :) Oh and stretch.... Lots and lots of stretching!! Stay tune for my weigh in next week!!

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