
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Week 2: It's a comin' off!

Well, my week one weigh in was less than impressive. According to my scale I had lost a little over a pound in my first week. At my weigh in it showed I had only lost .04lbs. so that is what got recorded. Bummer. I was kinda bummed I hadn't lost 4 or 5 lbs like some of the other girls but after talking it through with a few people I realized I wasn't eating enough protein and fats. Once I got my diet sorted out man oh man has the weight started to come off! I am losing an average of .5lbs a day!! I am almost out of my XL shorts and into my LG shorts!! I like that I am not hungry all the time and that I can eat frequently! Oh and the recipes are still great!! I actually ate Cottage Cheese (mixed with protein) and it wasn't too bad. The workouts are great! They are tough but not the bouncing and running around kind of tough. My body is sore afterwards but its not joint pain kind of sore. It is actually my muscles waking up!! All in all this Weight loss Challenge has been pretty easy to do. Eat right, show up and work out and.... Whala!! I can't wait to post next week!!

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