
Sunday, July 27, 2014

What's up with the working out and weight loss?? The Good, Bad and Ugly!!

So, I had a wonderful reminder from a friend that I don't see often enough (thanks Elaine) that it had been awhile since my last post. So this will be a two part post.

Part I
Since I last posted I have lost two pounds. Yep, just two little pounds. It is so hard to weigh yourself after eating well and kicking your tail in the gym and only see a two-pound change. I am SO tired of hearing people tell me that I am "turning my fat into muscle" and that is why I am not seeing a change on the scale. People, it is scientifically impossible to TURN fat INTO muscle. You burn fat and build muscle. What has been encouraging is that two people noticed enough of a change to comment on it this weekend. It feels wonderful to hear people say "you looked thinner today, are you still working out" (LJ you lit my fire today).... Hallelujah!! All of this frustration with my weight loss is inner frustration. My husband just sees me plugging away at my diet and workout and he has been SO encouraging and supportive. My family has also encouraged me and stepped in to watch my boys so I could go workout. My trainer said some words that I have never had a trainer say to me (and I have had several trainers in my time). He said "I believe in you, I know you can do it". Those words may have been said flippantly but they resonated deeply in me. He could easily just collect a check each month and give some workout that a grandma could do but he doesn't. He pushes me each and every time we meet, answers my 911 txt about eating out or what I should substitute a certain food for. That is rare to find in a trainer. How great is it to have someone that is responsible for pushing you physically each week say that!! It makes you believe in yourself when you are surrounded by such an awesome support system!!

  I also found out this week from my Dr that I have a medical condition that could be playing a part in all of this. Unfortunately, nothing can be done for it until it hits rock bottom and then we will start a treatment of some sort. I don't mean to be vague about it but I also don't want to just throw my medical business on the internet. If you want to know all about it then txt or message me. As for my health today.... I have too much health/life in me to live today that I can't worry about what might be in my tomorrow. I have two wonderful boys to raise and chase along with a husband to keep up with.

Part II
Working out is not for the clean and cute. Working out is for the girls that can get dirty and sweaty and deal with it. I broke a nail on a dumbbell, my hair is in a ponytail all the time, my gym clothes are not cute tops and shorty shorts... who could do squats in shorty shorts?? My skin, ugh my skin has been thrown for a loop. I have never had my face break out like it has since I have started working out. I look like a hot mess when I am done working out!! I have learned a few things since doing this "hardcore" for 3 months.
1) dry shampoo is a MUST
I could be totally wrong but you shouldn't wash your hair everyday much less twice a day!! My hair was fuzzing up like crazy until I was introduced to Suave Dry Shampoo... AMAZING!!
2) Your hair will tell the world if you wear it in a pony tail everyday.
I have worn my hair in a ponytail so much that even when I straighten it there is a crease where my ponytail would have been held by the rubber band. I have started to swap it up some. I will wear it in a cap without a ponytail holder and I have also started french braiding it.
3) Bolderbands are legit!!
I cannot stand it when my hair sticks to my face or when sweat runs in my eyes during the middle of my reps!! It ruins my concentration. Bolder bands hold the hair and sweat off of my face and doesn't put a crease in the front of my hair.
4) Sweat can make you break out!!
My trainer, bless his heart, answered this for me. So last week I was in the middle of doing some awesome oblique exercises and between my huffs and puffs I said, "So I have a kinda girly question for ya" ha ha he didn't even pause, he just said "what's up?". I'm guessing that since he knew I have two kids that I wasn't about to ask him about the "Birds and the Bees" so he figured everything else was safe lol!! I asked him about my face and told him about how it has started breaking out since I have been working out. He said before you leave go wash it off in the bathroom with some water. That way it doesn't dry in your pores on the way home. My brain went "duh, why didn't I think of that"!!
5) When you eat right your body won't like it when you "cheat".
I used to look forward to a cheat meal and i would dream about what I would eat! After indulging in my dream cheat food my body would remind me why I was eating healthier. It does not like cheat meals and it tells me about it shortly after I eat and on to the next morning.
6) If you look cute when you leave the gym... you didn't workout hard enough
If you run into me after my work out please know that I don't always look a hot sweaty mess ha ha! I am the type of person that if I am playing a sport or spending time away from my family to workout then I am going to give it my all and put everything I have into doing it the best I can. When I work out I don't want to glisten. I want to sweat through my clothes!! I want to know that I pushed my body to its physical limits and that I am expanding those limits on a daily basis!!

ALL of that has been what's up with me the last few weeks. I am keeping on with my reaching for my goals, eating right and living life!

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