
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dare you say, "I Love You" ??

Ok So after reading this maybe you will understand why guys have such a hard time saying "I Love You". I am just kidding, as if we could ever understand anything a guy does or doesn't do!!

I was reading in Donna Gaines book, There's Gotta More!, yesterday and the chapter I was reading(How about a Love Checkup) was A-MAZING!! So I am going to share it with ya'll. In this chapter Mrs. Gaines quotes Amy Carmichael on her thoughts and feelings of "Calvary love". I am going to quote Mrs. Gaines who is quoting Amy Carmichael so please be patient with me ;@) Here goes,

"How is God's love fleshed out in my daily actions? Amy Carmichael described it this way: "If a sudden jar can cause me to speak an impatient unloving word, then I know nothing of Calvary love. For a cup brim full of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted" (46). In other words, if someone is unexpectedly rude to me and that unexpected arrow seemingly out of nowhere can cause me to speak an impatient or unloving word, do I really understand Calvary love?"

Ok. so read that and really soak it in!! Now look at what God commands of us as believers.

Ephesians 5:1&2
Be Imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesian 5:25
Husband, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her...

Man oh man! Calvary love is all about death to self so that others may have life. We have to die daily to ourself, our flesh, personal desires and agendas so that the Lord can work through us to lead other to eternal life!!

This has changed my perception of love. When I say that I love my son, I literally mean that I would give my life for his. If my love is that fierce for him why do I get short with him (and to be honest... sometimes harsh)?? Why can I be patient with a clerk that I don't even know but rude with my own family?? Is that Calvary love?? I want to be filled to the brim with such sweet water that the only thing that comes out when I am bumped is God's sweet living water!! Well, I hope that makes you think when you tell your "Honey-Bunny" that you love them or when you say, " I LOVE mint chocolate chip ice cream".

Till Tomorrow,
Much Love!


  1. Love, love, love this! You really spoke to my heart with this one, and I thank you for convicting me of being more aware of how I speak to my family.
    You are doing great with this blog, btw. I've loved all your posts so far, and I think your words are a blessing. Thank you!

  2. I promise for the rest of my life to strive to show you that same kind of love. I pray that the Holy Spirit will fill me with "Calvary Love" so that no matter where I am, at work, at home, or somewhere in between, I will show everyone God's Love. No wonder the two most important commandments involve Love. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength" and the second is "Love your neighbor as yourself".

    Great word sweetie. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs.

  3. I really like that analogy of the cup full of sweet water - I'll remember that!
