
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Loving Memory of My Buttercup

So today was interesting. As I have told you, I keep little people in my home part-time. The two that I keep are brother and sister. Sissy (blogging purposes again) is almost 3 and Dawg, who just turned one, are awesome! I couldn't have asked the Lord to bring me any two more perfect kids to watch. Unfortunately, it has been rainy and cloudy part of this week so we have had to play inside :@) As Mom and housekeeper I do not like it when they have to play inside. Only because there are very few things they can do without getting themselves into trouble. After having three kiddos inside I felt worn out, to say the least! I felt beat down and in need of a nap. Did I get a nap? Nope! God had other plans b/c today is the day I meet with my "discipler". As we met we discussed what prayer means to our relationship with Christ and also how we should see things with "Spirit filled eyes" and how to have a "Spirit filled mind" (look at Romans 8:6).
Now to get to my point!! After Tots nap today the sun came out and so did we!! The backyard was calling our name. I get the mini golf clubs and balls (Tot loves balls) and we head out to burn some energy. While we were out there playing I was surprised to actually see one of my Buttercups blooming. Now being the WONDERFUL mom that I am (j/k!!) I called Tot over to see my beautiful yellow bloom that I was so proud of. I wanted him to look at it and smell it. What he wanted to do was to grab it and run around the yard with it and even try and eat the petals off of it! And He did just that! He snatched that bloom off so fast I couldn't believe my eyes! I was beyond mad at him. If you know me at all you know how much I love my yard and my little flowers and plants that I attempt to grow ;@) I just couldn't understand why he had to grab it and run around the yard with it?!?!
As I calmed down I remembered my discipleship meeting and us talking about "Spirit filled" eyes and mind. So, once again, I start to think about how I should view Tot's actions. What I came up with is that God shows us amazing things that He wants us to take pleasure in and to see His hard work and creation in. He reveals them to us subtly and obviously (like I did with Tot in calling him over and showing him). What we usually do is look at it, acknowledge it and maybe even smell it. Then we say, "Man what an awesome God you are" and we leave it there . Very rarely do we grab it, carry it with us or even consume it. So this picture is in Loving Memory of my little Buttercup. May I always have the desire to grab, carry and consume the things of God!! Enjoy the blooms this Spring!!

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