
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do we really need a time change??

So since the time change on Sunday Tot has been off schedule and beyond cranky!! I told Tater the other day that he might come home to a son that has a black-eye ( I was totally kidding and would never hit my child so don't go calling child services)!!
Well, today we are doing a little better. He is now taking his naps rather than try to play or cry through them and he is back to being semi-obedient ( he was up at 7:30 so he is a little emotional about everything still). All-in-all I feel like we are getting back to normal. He has completely worn me out though! I mean to the point that I want to cry with him.
As I had my quiet time this morning I had to ask the Lord to forgive me for my childish attitude that I have had with Him this week. I have struggled to have my quiet time each day and I have not been able to get on my face before Him and pray like I have been doing. The childish attitude I have had has been one of "why aren't you here with me?? why do you feel so far? " . I feel like I have been acting the same way Tot has been acting with me. Fussy, demanding and down-right childish. Tot wants to have a great day and play hard but he doesn't want to eat all of his breakfast, lunch or dinner and he doesn't want to take his naps to recharge his energy for the rest of his day. This week I have not fed myself God's word like I should. I have put it off till the very last thing of the day, I have not prayed and met with Him so that I can be restored and renewed like His word promises. Yet, I have been standing here whining and fussing about Him not being near, about me feeling alone, why won't you bless me blah blah blah!! Ugh it makes me sick when I actually admit it as I am typing. I don't want to end up a 40 year old "spoon fed" christian that fusses to God about every little thing. I want to be a woman that has put the work into her relationship with Christ and that when I make my request known to my Savior I won't feel like I have been nagging Him.
I think the example I am try to give is the one of a parent and child. You have seen them before, I know you have. They are there, at the grocery, restaurant or gym. Mommy or Daddy are already trying to appease a tired or unhappy child and then the child sees something that it wants. The following ensues, begging, grabbing it off the shelf, when told "no" they throw the item or themselves on the floor and start having a full blown fit/tantrum. Now discipline should be administered by the parent but rarely is, thus goes the cycle.

That is what I don't want to be, a childish Christian that throws fits/tantrums when the Lord says "no" or "not now" . I don't want to have major issues when a little bump (like time change or things not going as I planned) comes in my highway of life. I want to be the obedient child that can handle the Lord changing things in my life. I also want to be sure that when I do ask for something it isn't coming from a childish desire or childish heart. Also, you know that the parent with that rotten child is embarrassed by their kids actions and behavior. I NEVER want to be an embarrassment to God or other Christians because of the way that I act or the things I say.

Man, this seems like a downer of a blog huh?

Well, it is my heart that I spill out here so you won't always get happy and sunny stuff. You ARE guaranteed real life struggles, honest feelings about everything I blog about and always, always, always how God is working in our struggles and our pleasures.

Till tomorrow/tonight, Much Love

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing the lessons He will teach us everyday if we will just listen :) Thanks for being so transparent!
    P.S. Miss ya!
