
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Who we are

Ok. So I am new to all of this blogging stuff. I am going to try and be more consistent with this than I am my P90x work out ( I doubt this will make my body sore from head to toe). So a little about me and my family. My husband (Tater, for the sake of blogging) and I have been married for 3 years and we have one 21 month old son (Tot, again for blogging sake). My husband work two part-time jobs and I watch little people in my home.

A bit more about who we are:

My husband and I are going through a growth spurt right now. No, not physical (although my jeans would like to argue against that) but spiritual. The Lord is working in us right now and growing us into His image. God is teaching Tater so much about waiting on the Lord and how to rely on God and how Tater is not the provider for our family but Jehovah Jireh is. Tater is an amazing husband and father and I love seeing him become the godly man and head of our home.

Now for my growth spurt up date. For those that don't know me let me inform you that consistency is something that I STRUGGLE with on a minute by minute basis. This is a huge area that God is teaching me the importance of. I see it in the way I deal with Tot. Playing fetch with the dog in the house with an orange is something that will be wrong today, tomorrow and next week. Now sitting on your bottom while in your chair is something that I may be a little less consistent in disciplining. My quiet time is where the Lord is really getting me. I can be vacuuming and I hear the Lord tug at my heart and say, "I'm waiting" then I go wrangle the kids together and start some dishes and I hear it again... "I'm waiting". Ugh. I finally get to it and I feel like the Lord is like "Thank You, my hand was beginning to hurt from knocking on you hearts door". Also, my prayer life is practically non existent. I mean I think prayers to the Lord but I NEVER just stop and pray. Is that weird?? Probably. So something I did today was I actually got on my face on the ground and prayed. This was spurred on by someone I have know for years. Mr. Bill Hendry. He visited my Bible Fellowship Class and he said something that slapped me across the face. He is a missionary a muslim country and he said that Muslims think our faith is a joke. How can we pray to the Most High God, someone that is so holy and pure, while we are sitting on our couch. How does going into his presence not take us to our face in shame and humiliation from our sin. So I thought to myself, maybe this will help me when I pray... getting on my face and actually humbling myself in His presence. I was really willing to try anything b/c I have the hardest time staying focused and awake (yes awake) when I pray. I feel like my prayers hit the ceiling and bounce back in my face. OH let me tell ya'll!!! What a sweet time I had in prayer!! Now granted my legs went numb b/c I was crunched on top of them but ya'll!!! Tears were shed, I kept focused, my heart was lifted and I actually spent TIME (like 15 minutes) in prayer at the feet of my Savior! Who knew that moving from my rear to my knees and face would make such a difference. Now I just need the consistency to make this time everyday!! Well, this will be the focus of my blog. What we are up to and how the Lord is working in our lives. I hope to not miss any days blogging but ... at least you know I am working on my consistency issues :@) Till tomorrow!! Much Love!


  1. So what got you blogging, H1?
    I love it. Been doing so since my hubby suggested it in July 08. I find it very freeing and enjoyable - hope you do too!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! You're going to love it! You can follow us at!

  3. H2,
    I don't really know what got me blogging. Peer pressure?? J/King of course. I love following peoples blogs as a way of staying in touch with them. I have followed yours for awhile and I have really enjoyed it.

  4. Look forward to seeing what you and your family are up to
