
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Just another day

Yes. This IS a picture of a spoon! Please, Let me explain.
Well, other than the beautiful weather outside today, was just another day. Watched kiddos, felt completely overwhelmed with things that I need to do but can't. My agenda today was to get my house picked up despite the three kids taking everything out that I would put up so I ditched that idea. After the kiddos started getting fussy inside I decided that it was definitely time to move this party outside!! While we were picking flowers to go in our special soup we were cooking under the jungle gym, Tot and Sissy had a little situation that led to me having a revelation.

Tot and Sissy both had one of my big kitchen spoons that they had been playing with. Well, now Sissy decided that she was no longer happy with her spoon and she wanted Tot's. So she snatched it away and of course Tot was all upset like his puppy had just died (he can be SO dramatic sometimes).

This literally came to me as I popped Sissy on the bum with the spoon b/c of her reaction to me making her share.
God gives each of us what we need as a way of showing His love for us. Lot's of time we take it, play with it, then we spot someone else that has something we want. It can be good things like a strong prayer life, knowledge and wisdom of God's word, lots of friends, a big house etc.... and rather than being happy and content with what we have we get the "I Wants" and now His provision (external display of His love for us) for our needs is no longer adequate. It is so funny how little kids will come over and play, like Sissy, and will take Tot's toys and then say, "he took MY toy". I laugh b/c they don't understand that those toys aren't theirs or Tot's. Tater and I have provided Tot with those toys for his pleasure and enjoyment and the enjoyment of those that come and play with him because we love him. The same way that the Lord has given us things (not just earthly things but certain characteristics that make us unique) because He loves us.

I have such awesome friends. I can literally list them and right next to their name put something about them that I would want that they have (characteristic not earthly stuff). It is so easy for me to find things in others that I want. What I should be doing is enjoying the things God blessed me with that make me unique. I remember one of the speakers at the Downline Conf. a few months ago talking about how she wanted to be just like Beth Moore. Then the Lord spoke to her and said, "I already have a Beth Moore, I want you to be the best YOU that I can make." Did you get that? Be the best YOU that God can MAKE.

Well, that was my day. I hope you had a great one! Remember to view it through spirit-filled eyes!!
Till Tomorrow,
Much Love

(Emily, you can beat me with a wet noodle for talking about your child snatching things...:@)

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