
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wanna Potty??

Boy Oh Boy did I have a surprise tonight. If you have ever been in my home right before bath time then you know that Tot has a little pre-bath ritual. This ritual involves him streaking through the house and dancing around. He has not been able to do his little ritual lately because the past few time he has peed while running around. The other day he escaped out of the bathroom and went streaking. I was chasing him around trying to catch him while tossing towels on his little "puddles". It was the funniest moment we have had in awhile (My little sister called in the middle of this fiasco) and all I could do was laugh.
Back to tonight's events! I cautiously let Tot do his little ritual tonight and he follows me into the bathroom. He starts hitting the potty and doing a little dance. I ask him if he wants to "go potty" and he starts getting all excited. So I sit him on the toilet (just for kick and giggles) and I tell him to go pee pee. AND HE DID! No lie! Now I am wondering if this was a fluke or not?? Should I start potty training? What would Super Mom do? Then it hit me... He was copying what Sissy does! Sissy is in the process of being potty trained and when I started watching her I made a big deal about her having HER special potty and how she can use it anytime she wants. She is really good at telling me and hasn't had any accidents... so far. It is funny that when she tells me that she has to go potty her and Tot go running to the bathroom and he tries to open the door for her and then he starts smacking the toilet seat until she sits on it. Tot was just emulating Sissy. He has watched her for a week now being all excited about her potty and how I make her feel special when she uses it. That is all he wanted. To be excited and to have me make him feel special for using the potty. If Sissy was a mean little girl and was disobedient to me, there is no way I would want Tot to look up to her and act like her.

Who do I emulate? Who do I try and act like? Do I try and shape myself into something the world will find acceptable or do I strive to obey the Lord and find favor in His eyes?!?! I want to find a godly woman that is excited about doing the things of the Lord and being obedient to Him in what He is trying to teach and train her in. I want to learn about her relationship with Christ. I guess I want to "spiritually stalk" her (no creepiness involved). I want to see how she balances/handles the things of this world. I constantly have to check myself b/c as a woman I am always wanting to be "In-Style" and look a certain way, dress a certain way, blog a certain way ;@) All of those things will fade. Beauty, clothes, blogs... they will all come and go. But the beauty the Lord can give will never fade, the clothes He will cover us in will never be ruined by stains or moths and the words He can give us (to blog or use to give testimony with) can reach many for Christ. Now don't get me wrong, I don't wanna "let myself go" or wear a burlap sack everyday. I just want to keep focused on what is REALLY important in life. Yeah, I say that as Spring is around the corner and I am dying to get some cute little sundresses and sandals. Oh well! Maybe the Lord will give me a nice closet up in heaven... a girl can only hope right? :@)


  1. Closets in heaven... now that's a fun thought :)
    Just wanted to say welcome to the world of blogging! And congrats to Tot :) He's growing up too fast!

  2. I just love your blog! Very inspiring!

  3. I'm so proud of my daughter-in-law, especially her commitment to being a good role model for Tot, my grandson.
