
Monday, March 15, 2010

Ok so I am tired and have a headache so this post is going to be short and sweet.

I am going to share some of my likes and dislikes with ya'll. Of course likes will come first.

When Chad is off work.
Watching and playing soccer.
Spending time with my family

Funny things that people have said or quotes that I like:

"A flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all"

Me: I don't want to hear you talk AND I don't want to listen to the basketball game on the radio.
Chad: Babe, hearing me talk is a blessing. Listening to the radio while doing it is just icing on the cake.

Me: Hey Christian, look at the Moose!!
Emily Bobbitt: That's an Elk, Heather

Now for things I DON'T like ( ha ha)

Mean People
Wet shoes or jeans
Chad has this laugh that he does that DRIVES ME CRAZY!!
People that drive like they have nowhere to go.

Ok ya'll that is it. I love ya'll and will be back to my normal "blogging" self tomorrow. Till tomorrow, Much Love!


  1. I'm glad I made it on the funny list and not the bad list :)

  2. So Chad wants me to clarify the laugh comment. He does this laugh intentionally. Basically, he just does it to get on my nerves ;@)
